Test Automation

As systems grow in size and complexity, it is impossible to guarantee their quality only by using manual tests. Test automation becomes necessary and even mandatory for companies wanting to maintain their reputation and competitiveness.

Prime Control has great expertise in test automation of various types of systems: ERPs, integrations, e-commerce, applications, among others. In addition, we have professionals with solid experience in the most used tools in the market, both paid and open source.

Currently, Prime Control uses a lean-philosophy based automation methodology, the Continuous Test Automation. CTA allows our customers to continuously improve their automated test cycles, grow in a scalable, agile, and flexible manner.

RTA – Robotic Test Automation

A new test automation approach has taken over the market by adding value to a great variety of businesses: RTA (Robotized Test Authorization). This practice takes test automation to a different level, allows for the use of live data, and considerably facilitates continuous testing.

By reducing the need for manual actions, RTA reduces the occurrence of errors, shortens development cycles, and allows for updating at shortest intervals. In addition, it saves time and effort so typical of robotization, together with many other benefits.

RTA is an excellent way to incorporate DevOps practices and part of the arsenal of tools that Prime Control offers to its business.

Additional 30% productivity in automation development

Increase your automation team’s productivity by up to 30%
by using a license-free framework. Talk to our team.

Test Automation Method

Prime Control offers full consultancy for test automation processes. With several ready cases and tests, we can drastically reduce your automation efforts and speed up results.

Definition of Test Strategy

The value flow is mapped to identify in the software to be tested any features that may be critical for the user.

Automation Opportunities Backlog

The backlog is a list containing all the automation opportunities initially identified by the test and development team. The prioritization of the opportunities most relevant to the user follows in order to establish the MVP for the automation process.

Automation Framework

Prime Control’s test automation framework begins performing its magic by building a scalable base for the test process. Even for a small volume of tests, the application’s test and life-cycle management functionalities are readily built, and test scripts and templates are readily available.

Test Scenarios

On the platform, the functionalities, objects, requirements and other artifacts are registered to allow for an autonomous generation of test scenarios based on an artificial intelligence model with their relevant test scripts to be automatically triggered by scheduling or by event.


After the first automated tests Sprint, the results can be measured by the platform’s report and dashboard tools thus completing the project’s first “Construct, Measure and Learn” cycle. Improvements can be implemented, and once the model is validated, the automation process can be scaled. As the test coverage increases, automation opportunities are put in backlog.


At each Sprint it is possible to assess the ROI of that automation stage and understand whether the project is going the right path, thus maximizing value and avoiding waste.